Tying Organizational Values into the Employee Review Process: A Guide to Rewarding Values-Driven Employees

Author avatarAlexia Georghiou ยทSep 24, 2023


Every organization has a set of core values that define its culture and guide its operations. These values often represent the company's mission, vision, and principles. Integrating these values into the employee review process is a powerful way to ensure that your organization's culture is not just a poster on the wall but a living, breathing part of your workplace. By rewarding employees for living your organization's values, you can foster a more engaged, aligned, and motivated workforce. In this article, we will explore how to effectively tie your organizational values into the employee review process.


Define Clear and Meaningful Values

To begin, your organization should have a well-defined set of values. These values should be clear, concise, and meaningful to both leadership and employees. They should reflect what your company stands for and the behaviors that are expected from everyone within the organization. Some common organizational values include integrity, innovation, teamwork, customer focus, and diversity and inclusion.


Align Performance Expectations

Once your values are established, it's essential to align performance expectations with them. This means that your review process should evaluate employees not only on their job-specific tasks but also on how well they embody the organization's values in their day-to-day work. For example, if one of your values is customer focus, employees should be assessed on their ability to provide excellent customer service and build strong customer relationships.


Incorporate Values into Competency Frameworks

Many organizations use competency frameworks to assess employee performance. To tie in values, integrate them into these frameworks as essential competencies. Create behavioral indicators for each value to help assess how well employees are living these values in their roles. This allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of performance.


Encourage Self-Assessment

Encourage employees to conduct self-assessments related to your organizational values. Ask them to reflect on their contributions in alignment with the values and provide examples of how they've demonstrated these values in their work. Self-assessments can be valuable tools for fostering self-awareness and promoting personal accountability for living the values.


Seek Input from Peers and Managers

Incorporate peer and manager feedback into the review process. Peers and managers often have valuable insights into how an employee's behavior aligns with the organization's values. Incorporating 360-degree feedback can provide a more holistic view of an employee's performance in relation to the values.


Recognize and Reward Values-Driven Behaviors

To reward employees for living the organization's values, consider implementing a system of recognition and rewards. Recognize values-driven behaviors during the review process by highlighting specific examples of employees who have excelled in this regard. Provide praise, certificates, or small tokens of appreciation to acknowledge their efforts.


Connect Values to Professional Development

Link values to professional development opportunities. If an employee consistently demonstrates a commitment to innovation, offer them opportunities to attend innovation workshops or take on more challenging, creative projects. This not only rewards values-driven behaviors but also encourages employees to further develop those skills and qualities.


Continuous Feedback and Coaching

Rather than making values a one-time focus during annual reviews, integrate them into continuous feedback and coaching sessions. Regular discussions about how employees are embodying the organization's values can help reinforce the importance of these principles and provide guidance for improvement.


Monitor and Adjust

Finally, regularly assess the effectiveness of your values-based review process. Collect feedback from employees and managers to identify any areas that may need improvement. Be open to making adjustments to ensure that your approach remains relevant and impactful.



Tying your organizational values into the employee review process is a strategic move that can lead to a more values-driven workplace culture. When employees see that living these values is not only encouraged but also rewarded, they are more likely to actively embrace and promote them in their daily work. By aligning performance expectations, incorporating values into competency frameworks, seeking input from peers and managers, and recognizing and rewarding values-driven behaviors, you can create a workplace where living the organization's values becomes second nature, resulting in a more engaged and motivated workforce that drives your organization towards its mission and vision.


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